The Summer Sky Dress: McCall 3730 (1940)
After a break from sewing for the last couple of months to focus on my other creative passion, fabric design, I needed a quick win to kickstart my mojo. I started this dress last year, using a 1940 McCall pattern kindly lent to me by my friend Debi, Ms 1940 McCall.
Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto
Bletchley Park Summer 1940s Weekend 2019
Arashiyama Bamboo Forest
Hanoi Train Street
Hearts and Diamonds
Carefree Valentine
Variations on a Colourful Theme
January Blues (and Pinks and Yellows)
Today is “Blue Monday” - so called because of a pseudoscientific calculation that it is the most depressing day of the year: Christmas is a fading memory, the days are short and grey, everyone’s still broke and payday is still a week away. Along with many others, I experience Seasonal affective disorder, so to combat the instinct to hibernate the month away, I like to focus on planning and action, looking forward to the year ahead. I know that resolutions aren’t for everyone, but I find setting out plans and goals to be a really positive exercise for me.