Hearts and Diamonds
January Blues (and Pinks and Yellows)
Today is “Blue Monday” - so called because of a pseudoscientific calculation that it is the most depressing day of the year: Christmas is a fading memory, the days are short and grey, everyone’s still broke and payday is still a week away. Along with many others, I experience Seasonal affective disorder, so to combat the instinct to hibernate the month away, I like to focus on planning and action, looking forward to the year ahead. I know that resolutions aren’t for everyone, but I find setting out plans and goals to be a really positive exercise for me.
Quick Fitted Sweater Refashion
This simple refashion is perfect for turning a slightly shapeless knit into a retro pinup sweater - and it literally only involves three seams! My original is a wool-blend cardigan from Primark - the design was cute, but the sweater was shapeless (basically just a straight rectangle) and too long for my preference (since I generally wear skirts I like sweaters to hit the waist), plus the buttons gaped at the bust. I’d hung onto it because I like the design and colours, but it just never got worn. Prime candidate for a restyling project!
1940s Slash-neck Sweater Refashion
I had so many requests for a tutorial for the boat-neck sweater refashion I posted on Instagram a few weeks ago, and I finally got around to putting together a full tutorial - with pictures! The instructions are based on the steps I followed, but I was pretty much making it up as I went along and doing it by eye